3 things that can get your prayers answered

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The book of Colossians teaches us three important things about prayer: devotion, watchfulness, and thankfulness. Let’s explore these ideas more simply. (Col 4:2)

be devoted

Devotion to prayer means making a special effort to talk to God. It’s like setting aside time and energy to connect deeply with Him. For example, think about someone who wakes up early every morning to spend an hour talking to God, even when they’re busy. This shows how much they care about their relationship with God. People like Moses and Nehemiah did this too.

Moses, who played a big role in God’s plans, often went to a quiet place to pray and seek God’s guidance. In the Bible, Moses often went to a quiet place to pray. (Exodus 33:7-11). Nehemiah, before rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, prayed and asked for God’s help because it was a tough job that needed God’s guidance. Nehemiah prayed before starting a big project. (Nehemiah 1:4-11). 

The verse 1 Thessalonians 5:17 instructs us to “pray continually,” which is quite clear. It means we should maintain a constant attitude of prayer, sometimes persistently, until we receive an answer. This doesn’t imply that God has difficulty hearing us, requiring us to repeat ourselves multiple times before He responds. Instead, it’s about strengthening our faith to the point where we genuinely believe in God’s ability to act.

Repeating a prayer helps remove any doubts and aligns our thoughts with God’s intentions. There are times when, after spending time in prayer, we might realise that our role is not to pray further but to take action on the matter at hand to get your prayers answered.

be watchful

Being watchful in prayer means paying attention to what’s happening around us and asking God for help when we see things that don’t match what God wants. Nehemiah faced problems when rebuilding the walls, but by praying and staying alert, he could understand what his enemies were planning. Nehemiah stayed alert and prayed to protect his work. (Nehemiah 4:9)

Sometimes, God tells people important things during prayer, like in the book of Daniel. When Daniel prayed and asked God for help, God gave him wisdom to understand a dream that no one else could. This saved Daniel’s life and showed how crucial it is to seek God’s guidance during uncertain times. In the book of Daniel, God helped Daniel understand a dream. (Daniel 2:17-23)

As Christians, things happen around us all the time. Some we see, and others are hidden, but God can reveal them to us through prayer. When God speaks to you about something during or after prayer, take action! It may be the only thing stopping your prayer from being answered.

By seeking God’s guidance and taking action based on His instructions, we align ourselves with His plans and purpose for our lives.

He is willing to guide and direct us in our daily decisions and challenges. It is important for us to actively seek God’s guidance through prayer, trusting that He will provide clarity and wisdom in uncertain times. It shows that God’s revelations can give us answers and direction, and He wants to communicate with us. When we actively seek God’s wisdom, we can experience His guidance in our lives.

be thankful

Lastly, Paul’s letter to the Colossians reminds us that thankfulness is an important part of prayer. It means recognising and appreciating the good things in our lives, making us humble and content. When we look around and see what God has done, it fills our hearts with gratitude.

This deepens our relationship with God and allows us to approach Him with a thankful heart, knowing that He’s always there for us. It reminds us to trust in God’s provision and rely on His love and care. When we practice gratitude in our prayers, it brings us joy and peace, no matter what’s happening in our lives.

I like how Philippians 4:6-7 wraps it up by saying, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

This verse reminds us that gratitude is not just a feeling, but an active practice. When we approach God with a thankful heart, it not only strengthens our relationship with Him but also brings us peace and assurance that He is always with us, guiding and protecting us.

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